Mittwoch, 4. Mai 2011

Von Alex Merkulov

Hier ist noch eine interessante Nachricht. Interessant ist, dass sie absolut universal ist - man kann sie ohne einzelne Buchstabe zu ändern an eine beliebeige Firma schicken. Und sagen Sie mir nicht, dass man dabei keine Hoffnung etwas doch zu bekommen haben darf.

Hello ! My name is Merkulov Alex , from Russia, I would like to address to you with one request - I buy a lot of production from myself in Russia, but unfortunately she does not answer the necessary quality which would suit me, I often come to your country to the friends on a visit, and here not for a long time I was visited by thought why I do not buy from you your production, after all my friends told that it excellent and very qualitative, knowingly they say that use all family your wonderful production, but I do not wish to risk doing the order without having made sure of its quality.?
In a kind of the stated I ask you to find possibility of your company and to send me for acquaintance us samples of your production, and also the catalogue of production let out by you if that is available, to me home, the address:
Russia , Moscow , Tsandera street , 7 , 590 , 129075
Yours faithfully also I hope for the future cooperation

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