Freitag, 29. April 2011


Dear sirs!
We are developing tea Distributor Company from Feodosia, (Ukraine). Our tea supplies are in 74 towns and villages around Eastern Crimea.
Could You send us a few samples of your production not only for marketing purposes but may be for distributing your tea in our region (Eastern Crimea) аnd for comparing with other similar samples distributed in our region as well. At first to check and compare the quality of your production with production distributed under similar brand from different sources in our region.
If so let’s bridge the divine and then have an efficient dialogue about future plans.
Sincerely, head of Kirov tea Tree company, Mr. Kolobov
Our postal address is as follows:
Kirov tea Tree company, Mr. Anton Kolobov, Lenina street 8, Ordjonikidse, Feodosia, Crimea, 98184, Ukraine.
P. S. Do not forget to enclose mail order catalogue.
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