Freitag, 29. April 2011

Von Lyudmila Nasonova

Und noch eine Scheinfirma.


 I all over again shall present our company the Company of Open Society " Omanta " includes some companies (holding).
We are in Russia.
And our basic company - Company « Tea city» At us the Internet-shop on sale of tea and coffee, and also two shops of retail trade.

 The core at us is the Internet-shop bringing the basic income.
Have casually found the information on your company.
Very much it would be desirable to cooperate with you.
We would like to know as much as possible full information (and price) on you.
In advance many thanks.
With impatience we wait the answer.
From you we have learned from our clients

Our address: 109559 Russia Moscow Tihorecki boulevard 4-2-74
my name: Lyudmila Nasonova

Lyudmila Nasonova

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